network access requirements for guest wi-fi

to connect to guest wi-fi, the following items are required:

1) a valid mobile phone number able to receive sms text messages. 

2) be aware that when connected to the guest wi-fi, you will not be able to access certain functions such as printing, or any link with ssb8 or ssb9 in them.

connecting to guest wi-fi

to connect to guest wi-fi:

  1. ensure you are connected to the "ru guest" wi-fi. (note that this network is only available on the main campus and not in any residence halls.)
  2. a pop up window should appear asking you to put in your phone number. be sure to include the area code.
  3. if the pop-up does not appear, then open your preferred web browser and type in your address bar and it should open the window asking for your phone number.
  4. check your mobile phone and input the authorization code and click sign in.
  5. you should then see the rockhurst website.  you are now connected to the guest wi-fi.