rick janet

rick janet headshot
professor of history
college of arts and sciences
arrupe hall 305


ph.d. history, university of notre dame
m.a. history, university of notre dame
m.a. history, southeast missouri state university
b.a. history, southeast missouri state university


richard j. janet, ph.d., received his doctorate in modern european history from the university of notre dame before coming to 世界杯赛程2022最新赛程表 in 1985.  over the past 30 years, he has taught a variety of courses, including lower-division surveys of modern western civilization and integrated humanities, elective courses in the history of europe since the reformation and classes in catholic thought and culture.  

janet's most recent courses include science, religion and magic in modern europe, and war and peace in modern europe. he has published a number of reviews and articles, both in academic and popular journals, on topics related to modern western history and religion. his recent book, "in missouri's wilds: st. mary's of the barrens and the american catholic church, 1818-2016" (truman state university press, 2017), links the story of a catholic seminary in frontier missouri to broader trends in the history of american catholicism.