fall 2022 世界杯赛程2022最新赛程表 quick facts

office of institutional effectiveness


total - 3,405

undergraduates - 2,545

graduates - 860

full-time ug - 1,623

part-time ug - 922

full-time gr - 391

part-time gr - 470

high school students (included in ug count): 784

freshman (ftc) class:

applicants - 3,154

admits - 2,096

enrolled - 284

average hs-gpa - 3.69

first to second year retention rates:

fall 2021 freshman class - 76.4%

fall 2020 freshman class - 77.0%

fall 2019 freshman class - 87.6%


six-year graduation rates:

fall 2016 freshman class - 77.1%

fall 2015 freshman class - 74.2%

fall 2014 freshman class - 72.6%


degrees awarded: (august 2021 - may 2022)

undergraduate certificates - 6

associate's degrees – 29

bachelor’s degrees (1st majors only) - 563

post-bachelor's certificates - 13

master’s degrees - 363

doctoral degrees - 49

full-time undergraduate student charges:

tuition - $40,700*

fees - $1001*

room - $6,490

board - $3,790

*tuition may differ for associate's degree, medical assisting programs, absn, and rn to bsn programs

full-time equivalent (fte):

total - 2,477

undergraduate - 1,930

graduate - 547

ftc student demographics:

male - 102

female - 181

gender unknown - 1

u.s. nonresident - 9

hispanic or latino - 55

american indian or alaska native - 4

asian - 9

black or african american - 24

native hawaiian or other pacific islander - 1

white - 168

two or more races - 12

race/ethnicity unknown - 2

percent minority - 37%

in-state (missouri) - 57.4%

first generation college - 25.7%

catholic – 27.1%


ug student demographics:

male - 885

female - 1,640

gender unknown - 20

u.s. nonresident - 41

hispanic or latino - 337

american indian or alaska native - 10

asian - 87

black or african american - 212

native hawaiian or other pacific islander - 5

white - 1,641

two or more races - 110

race/ethnicity unknown - 102

percent minority - 29.9%

in-state (missouri) - 68.1%

instructional faculty:

total - 292

full-time - 151

part-time - 141

male - 101

female - 191

percent minority (full time) - 9.9%

full-time with terminal degree - 72.1%

student to faculty ratio - 13 to 1


total - 259

full-time - 229

part-time - 30